Bird of Paradize

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fatwa About Morals/Characters in Islam

Question: My friend thinks it is ok to have a fiancé and go out on dates with him. She says that if you get married without knowing him you?ll have to live with him for the rest of your life. So you have to know the person before marrying and should talk to him. I think she also thinks it is ok to like a guy, which is obviously pre-marital relationship (zina). My question is can you please give me an answer that talks about all of the above proving it wrong, the punishment for doing this and backed by Quran and hadeeth. And if you feel, also add other things about this topic to clarify more. I want to show her your answer.

At the outset, we wish to advise that every type of pre-marital relationship is Haraam (strictly prohibited). The concept of fiancé and fiancée has no basis in Islam. Refer below our standard reply to similar queries. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best Mufti Ebrahim Desai FATWA DEPT.

It is rather unfortunate that sin and evil has become so rife nowadays that people don't even regard sin as sin anymore and

how true are the words of our beloved Rasul (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), 'A time will dawn upon man that Zina (adultery) will become so widespread that the most pious man in this world will be that person who witnesses two people doing evil on the street pavement. This person would go up to them and say to them that go and do your action behind a tree, he will not stop them from the evil rather he would tell them that instead of doing it in front of everybody, go and do your actions behind a tree. The person who tells them this will be the most pious person.

Today, we are presently experiencing the above adultery is being done openly, everywhere without any prohibition or obstruction.' (Islahi Khutubaat, Mufti Taqi Usmani vol.7 pg.32)

In an Aayat of the noble Qur'aan, Allah Ta'ala commands the believers, 'Say (O' Muhammad) unto the believers lower your gazes and protect your private parts. That is more pure for you. Verily, Allah is all informed of what you are doing.' (Surah Nur).

Evil glances is to look at any Ghayr Mahram especially with desire or to attain pleasure whether the person is alive or it is a picture. Both situations are totally Haraam. The greatest hindrance for the reformation and purification of the innerself is the sin of evil glances.

Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) explained in a Hadith, 'Evil glances is a poisonous arrow from the arrows of Iblees.' (Majmauz Zawaaid vol.8 pg.63) In another Hadith, Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) mentioned, '. The Zina of the eyes is in evil glances and Zina of the ears is by listening (to evil) and Zina of the tongue speaking (about evil) and Zina of the hands is in touching (forbidden) and Zina of feet is in walking (towards evil) and the heart desires and hopes (in evil) and thereafter the private parts accepts that (acts upon it) or rejects it.' (Mishkaat pg.20)

Therefore, according to Shari'ah, to look, speak, listen, etc. to any Ghayr Mahram except at the time of extreme necessity is Haraam and impermissible. In an Aayat of the noble Qur'aan, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And when you ask (his wives) for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts.' Although the reason for revelation is a specific incident and the wives of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) are specifically mentioned but this is general for the entire Ummah, i.e. if the woman wants to get something from the men, e.g. utensils, clothing, etc. thus, she not come in front of him, rather ask for it from behind a veil. (Ma'aariful Qur'aan vol.7 pg.200; Idaaratul Ma'aarif)

In another Aayat, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And stay in your homes and do not display yourselves, like that at the time of ignorance.' (Surah Ahzaab 33 vol.33). Therefore, the command unto women is to stay at home and only come out at the time of a necessity which is sanctioned by the Shari'ah, should a need arise, total Shar'ee Hijaab should be adhered to.

By a person fighting his Nafs and saving himself from sinning, he will attain the sweetness of Imaan. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'A thought comes into a person to cast evil glances and who is that person who doesn't get these thoughts and his heart is also encouraging him to just take a look! But he fears Allah and saves himself by not casting an evil glance. This will cause a great burden but Allah Ta'ala will grant such sweetness of Imaan that he won't even consider looking in future.' (Ahmad vol.5 pg.264)

It is, therefore, imperative that awareness should be created amongst the Muslim students to both male and female regarding the importance and laws of Shari'ah especially with regards to Hijaab and intermingling of the sexes. The administration of MSA should be encouraged to adhere to the laws of Shari'ah, contextually, the laws of Hijaab.


  • "I think she also thinks it is ok to like a guy, which is obviously pre-marital relationship (zina)."

    Surely liking someone is not Zina?

    This definition of Zina amonngst people who practice and condone polygmay and sex slavery seems very strange.

    The Early Sahaba had harems of women numbering in thousands. One prominent Sahabi left 5000 Sex slaves with whom He had sex without Nikah.

    Perhaps these learned Muslims Scholors can give a fatwa about how sex with a slave girl without Nikah is permissable in Islam.

    Prophet Mohammed worked for a merchant lady khadija who fell in love with him and later proposed marriage.

    These fatwas seem purely tyranical and I can understand the opposition to the tyranny of the shariat by the Sufis. The mullah seem to have no appreciation of LOVE in any form.

    By Blogger Qulzam, at 9:23 pm  

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